-> it all started as a mommy blog in 2005

mostly for them


I wish there were a word for this. luxuriant in its emotional comprehension, rhapsodic and soul chilling. I wish I could explain just how much I love this. right here, right now. the way they love to repeat something seemingly for the sheer pleasure of the sound. little socks drying on the radiator. brushing their soft, dark hair every night. shaping characters, creating memories. being their mom.

suddenly, it feels so real. not less challenging, but the picture gets bigger and bigger and I am humbled in the process to be the best person I can be, every day. for myself. but mostly, for them.


little treasures I hold in the palm of my hand




I am home. with a renewed sense of identity, curly hair and a deeper love for my family. and little treasures I hold in the palm of my hand. the smell of rosemary and fresh lavender, new Converse shoes, fond memories. and the sparkle in the eyes of Sean and Will's grandparents.

I am home. and you know how this is. everything looks the same. yet everything feels different.

more stories here and more pictures here and here.


love from Korea


more Love Thursday here.


going away

I need to go away. from bills, single-parenting, cable television, field trips and PTA meetings. I need to go away to save myself from the brutality of my own self-criticism and remember the many reasons why I am indeed a good mother. I need to touch, feel, smell and laugh. sleeping next to my husband. listening to my grandmother's hoarse, whispering voice. the sound of the ocean. eating lunch at 4 in the morning. I need to see amazement in my sons' eyes and plop down the anxiety, anger and guilt. even momentarily. I need to learn to love without anticipating too far ahead or expecting too much. and explore the humbling, deep and immense possibilities that my plain ordinary life holds, and are waiting to be released.


self portrait challenge - imperfection


in honor of the pair of glasses I just bought. my driving licence. reminding me to embrace the self-knowledge and better hair I have gained rather than fret over the idea of aging. and not to take myself too seriously. I would cringe with embarrassment and pretend it's not me if only I didn't fail my test three times and cried the day I finally passed, and if this hadn't made my husband laugh out loud for the last 10 years.

more Self Portrait Challenge here.


the dead year

"and so I remember the first dead year of writing, when I wanted to be a writer so bad (...) like walking through a thick desert heat with no end in sight (...) everything is empty. nothing you write holds (...) that dead feeling hits hard and permeates the first year (...) if you get through the first year, then you know about it. it will never have the power to defeat you again." - Natalie Goldberg, Wild Mind

I've been writing a lot lately. in the evening, lying on my bed with a pen stolen from a hotel room and two giant pillows supporting my body. I've noticed that my voice is slightly different when I write on my journal. it brings me back in the present moment, it is less perfectionist, more daring, and more awake.

in a small café by the fountain on Place Saint Michel or in front of the church of Notre-Dame de Lorrette while waiting for an old friend. the wooden tables reaching all the way out on the sidewalk to the street. I look around and take five minutes to describe it.

in the subway. realizing that the worst feeling as a mother is not when I take my son to the emergency room after he's fallen off the top bunk bed while playing. the worst feeling is when I'm late to pick up my kids at school.

in children's bookstores, where prodigious voices are hiding behind a wolf who doesn't want to be a sheep. oblivious to the echoing sound of screaming little kids.

I write. not a book. I just keep my hand moving. and though it is daunting at times, though no one reads, nods or validates the words I'm putting down, I've rarely felt more alive and exhilarated.


hospital room




a weekend in one my favorite cities in the world, freed from twenty-four hour responsibility.

visiting Westminster abbey, the smell of cheap cologne mingling with the dwelling presence of royal ghosts.


shopping on Regent street and in Covent garden with the closest thing to a brother I have

visiting a bookstore on Trafalgar square and satiating my current obsession.

watching Chicago

the sight of other mothers with their children leaving me longing to hold my own kids in my arms, yet feeling a sense of serenity and renewal that I hadn't felt in a long while.

more pictures here.


morning love

I wait. fighting the scuttling tide of busy parents in suits and heels, already late for work. I wait, standing on my tip toes and straining my eyes to see my son. Louise is playing with dolls, a little boy is clinging desperately to his mother's arm. I wait because I made a promise. I promised I'd be there when he's finished drawing and that I'd wave at him, every morning.

the crowd is thinning, and I can hear the distant traffic rumble down the street. I watch. through the wide glass window, my child's head crowned with a halo of innocence.

"I think he forgot" Louise's father says to me. Louise didn't forget, and she's blowing kisses to the man whose life now revolves around her hopes and dreams. "I think you can go."

yes, I could. but I know my son. and I know that he never forgets. I wait. again. then there he is. his face glowing with contentment, his confidence restored and pouring out love and a kind of stately relief into my life. knowing that I didn't fail him. and that no matter what, we will always have this.

he waves at me. and I wave back.

more Love Thursday here and here.


self portrait challenge - with Sean and Will


more Self Portrait Challenge here.