forgiven. and loved.
I yelled at my son. and a haunting, deep sense of shame was weighing heavily on my heart as I stared blankly at the bare, white wall of my room two hours later.
few people know this about me, but I yell. once a little girl with shy manners I believe I developed a loud, unflattering voice and a full octave range increase the day both boys started running in opposite directions at the mall.
Sean was sleeping soundly when I scooped him up in the middle of the night and carried him to bed with me. he tossed and turned and groaned, his lips half open, and eventually woke up as if he knew I was watching him.
"I'm so sorry I yelled at you today" I softly whispered in his ear.
"It's okay Mommy, I'm sorry I broke the car" he said, holding out his arms.
we cuddled and talked about animals and rockets and what we want to do when we are big people. our eyes dancing with fun. and quietly fell asleep making spoons and holding hands. grateful. forgiven. and loved.