it's that time of the year again
it's that time of the year again. coughing thickens. fever rises. and school days are missed.
Will slips his little hand into mine and looks up at me expectantly with a face full of love and exhausted from repeated bouts of asthma. I've been staying home with him for a week now. printing coloring pages, reading children's books. waking up in the middle of the night, every night. watching him gasp for air, his lungs fighting but unable to suck in what they need. and falling asleep to the sound of his heavy breathing, guilt and fear gripping my heart and with nothing but a silent prayer to comfort my sick child.
I softly stroke the hair off my little boy's forehead, trying to gently remind myself that this is life. that kids get sick. but kids are tough and they do get through these things.
I know. I know we'll get through this. but sometimes it's hard. some days it's just too hard.
Reader Comments (23)
with love, Shaz.
Have you tried boiling water to help humidify the air? It may help him clear things out of his sinuses and lungs. We just got a humidifier, and it's made a big difference in our breathing, our skin and hair, and Dr. B's snoring. :) (YAY!)
so ehug.
Who knows? I have my fingers crossed for both of our beautiful kids.
My prayers are with you. You're a loving and caring wonderful mom. Hang in there and God bless~.
Get well, little bean. We're thinking of you with every breath.
hope he's well soon!!
it makes winter miserable.
i understand. really.
take care irene and beautiful boys.
irene, continue to pray and love, but with much hope. i know that HE will be faithful to you and Will. sending you hugs and many prayers...