something's wrong about today
something is just wrong about today. I don't know what it is. I just can't put my finger or any other part of my anatomy on it no matter how much iron and calcium and vitamins supplements I take to uncloud my thoughts. I feel like flubber. or like that slim thing in "Ghostbusters". like a completely flabby-minded child. I hate everything. and I mean everything. I hate my house. I hate my hair. I hate my body shape. I hate my shoes. everything and anything annoy me. the strap of my bra. my strap-less bra. pedestrians. other people's kids. the fact that I have to hold my breath to fit into my favorite jeans. that one really hurts. I don't know why this happens. but once in a while, I just want to change everything about my life. just like that. I even have an inward vision of how it could be perfected and reinvented. a house of our own. a new city perhaps. a new body. a little of fashion style wit. and a talent to dazzle my husband and to share with the world. is routine flattening me and my sanity to the ground? I exude insecurity and dissatisfaction.
somebody please kick me.