public embarrassment
how did the miraculous testimony of God showering us with love turn into two obviously-on-amphetamines bundles of intemperate agitation? why do my boys lie down on the supermarket’s floor? why do they throw legos out the window? and why, oh why do they have to run into easily irritated old ladies and new mothers who definitely need vitamins and constrain Mommy to clumsily mumble apologies, like, a thousand times a day?
it is insanely disconcerting and humbling to watch your own sons publicly misbehave and disobey. especially when you've been openly condemning and disapproving passive parenting and eulogizing the importance of discipline with such arrogant confidence. last week, a woman told me that I should lower my own voice and teach my children what a decent and appropriate public library behavior is. what a slap in my face.
I'm telling you, the momster cannot take public embarrassment anymore.
Reader Comments (12)
And I know that it's good we didn't have a fourth as I suspect, at this advanced age, a fourth would get a smack in the tush.
Little imps.
Leave em home? Scold? Rewards for good behavior when out?
Perhaps this is best left to the younger moms here -- or the co-sleepers, yeah. Maybe you need to co-sleep right away.
You would not be the first mother in the world to leave a shopping cart exactly where it is and take your children home immediately. No treats, no dessert and when asked remind them of the inappropriate behavior in the store/library/public place. That is the more passive side of me. The other side of me believes in spanking. I never tolerated such behavior. If it happened once it never happened again.
Throwing legos out of the window, take all the legos and put them away. Learning to respect the privilige of owning toys/books/etc teaches them to respect the belongings of other people.
In the case of my nephew (who was originally diagnosed with ADD and ADHD) his behavior was linked to sugar, wheat products and milk products. Even mild allergies to these things can cause children to exhibit wild behavior, they can't control themselves much less obey the rules. When these items where stricken from his diet his behavior changed 100%. He did not have ADD or ADHD. He was allergic to common ingredients in the foods he was eating.
Don't give in. Set the rules and expectations and stick with them. Also consider having them checked for the food allergies.
Angie is very wise -- and not at all sarcastic.
I will say, however, that your boys are so cute!!! I have no idea how you could discipline two little darlings like yours. Oh, and I love the photo.
Better listen to Angie, not me.
ps. cute shoes for the boys... I hear converse are all the rage in paris now.
There comes a horrifying point in parenting when you realize YOU are the one on the airplane with the crying baby and the kid SCREAMING BLOODY HELL in the grocery store.
And it is WAY harder with two little monkeys the same age to deal with. Don't be so hard on yourself and please write down descriptions and/or names of people like the library lady who offer "advice" wrapped in judgement as you go about your daily lives so I can give them "etiquette lessons" when I visit someday.
Or move to the U.S., we have hundreds of thousands of kids who are way naughtier than your little guys wandering around and their parents don't even appear to notice.
I just ignore the stupid looks I get in the store and tell the kids 'Go right ahead - they're your legos!' Because (a) I don't really care what other people think of my parenting and (b) I don't really care if they throw their legos out the window. But that's just me.