into the wild
he might leave again soon. and we have tons of things to sort out. but for now I'm glad that my husband's back. I'm just so glad.
he might leave again soon. and we have tons of things to sort out. but for now I'm glad that my husband's back. I'm just so glad.
sometimes I am embarrassed by his behavior, even frustrated by his exuberant personality. but every day I learn so much. about acceptance and unconditional love. about taking time to build my relationship with my son. and I realize. Will may not always be my favorite companion. yet he's undoubtedly my best teacher.
my favorite restaurant in Seoul. seafood risotto, Dijon mustard chicken salad. and long conversations with a close friend. what else?
an old one from my Polaroid set. and probably one of my personal favorites.
thumbing through old photographs last night and remembering the most embarrassing moment in my life.
now I think back and I can't help laughing. God, don't we all?
9 days after returning from South Korea, I have finally overcome the worst jetlag I've ever had.
the little place I'm at in my life right now. back home with the boys from a visit to my husband who has to stay in Seoul, South Korea for three months. writing a second book. with a designer, a schedule, deadlines and all. and learning. about what it really takes to make a marriage work. and the things you have to give up sometimes to hold your family together, literally.