they grow up too fast
the last few days have been punctuated by a couple of conspicuously dramatic realizations. I hate to engage in arguments with my husband in public places. I love knitting. I take a shower before going to the gynecologist. I brush my teeth before going to the dentist. I even wash my hair before going to the beauty parlor. and my kids grow up too fast.
my eyes sail through my sons' baby photo albums as if they were someone else's. I remember the flurry of activities and the domestic combats, the long nights and even longer days. I remember the smell of everyday burps, the familiar dirty diapers. I remember the rush and the moral decay. apathy worming in and day-long lamentations about the purpose of my life. but I can not recall one single hug or kiss. and this devastates me.
I wish I could go back. just one day. one hour. it is true. with children, the days are long but the years are short. God, if only I had known.
Reader Comments (21)
Nice blog! :-)
And I thought my husband was the only person to wash his hair before going to the hair salon!!!
'with children, the days are long but the years are short...' what an absolutely perfect way to sum up the paradox of motherhood!
Of course that hasn't worked as well as it sounded and I deal with soccer practices and swim lessons and basketball games that are all going on at the same time at opposite ends of town with special mommy drinks that come with umbrellas but still I'm finding that I miss the baby days. It's an addiction.
The picture of your babies makes me want to nibble on those cheeks and bury my nose in their hair and breathe in that lovely smell of baby head.
I think a large part of this longing is to recapture what I've experience in the past and forgotten or to try to do it better than I did before and possibly to get to use some of the awesome newfangled gadgets that they have for parents now.
It's so true they grow so fast.