You will! I believe! Oh, a knit friend of mine, Michaele the Knitty Professor is going to be in Paris (not sure of the details yet) and will be looking to meet some knitters - maybe you know a few? ;)
mojoes (mojos?) do tend to hide every now and then. make sure to let us when mo or jo come around again. patiently waiting along with you...lots o love, k.
Hey sweetie. I put your polaroid postcards in a book when I got them, and just yesterday, I found them. They reminded me of the sweet time I had when we met, and really pulled me out of a little funk. Your mojo will be back soon. Winter sucks because it's cold and dark and kids get sick. Just wait for those first buds to start blooming. *I wish I could hop on a magic carpet to meet you for coffee* xo
Reader Comments (7)
(Hugs, babe, I'm listening if you need to vent...)
Your mojo will be back soon. Winter sucks because it's cold and dark and kids get sick. Just wait for those first buds to start blooming.
*I wish I could hop on a magic carpet to meet you for coffee* xo