some of you have emailed me and expressed concern about Finn (we are still waiting for lab results but she's doing better, thank you all so much) and asked me why I am not writing on my blog anymore.
a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with a chronic throat infection caused by stress and was faced with difficult decisions about my life. I also quit my job, and thought for a while about what to do with this little place of mine.
when my husband gave me my first Polaroid camera as a Christmas present last year, I had no idea that the little experiment would soon become a source of inspiration. an opportunity to see and express things differently. and that I would enjoy it so much.
I hope that the images that I will share with you here will remind you to take delight in the beauty that emerges from our every day life. I hope that you'll continue to visit me. I hope to become a better photographer, a better writer. I hope that you understand. that it was getting a bit too hard for me.
today I'm taking my writing out of the house, away from the desk, from the frustration. from this blog. in the park, on the bus. in a café while life is happening all around me. I sit musing, pen in hand. I walk, I read. I garden. I cook. I take better care of myself.
today I am able to look honestly into the eyes of the three men who love me and say "you know what? I think I'm happy". and it's the best feeling in the world.
Reader Comments (35)
I'll keep reading, looking, watching, and enjoying. No matter what you do, it's worth it.
I'm happy to hear and see your life in any format, you bring wonderful things to my world.
;) Hugs to you, petit chou, happiness is hard enough to find without feeling obligated to write it all down for everyone else to read.
(I have goosebumps looking forward to what a less stressed Irene will do with a camera, though!)
Be well, sweetness.
I like to write pen on paper, too - I have some lovely journals and need to take the time to do that, too. For me, it seems that the pen connects my emotions to words in a way that keyboard and screen can't.
Love to you. Get well.
Be happy.
Be happy Irene.
Wonderful! I'm so glad for you. Can't wait to see more of your creativity. Your photos are always amazing.