beating the bad karma away
a lot has been happening lately, and I want to thank you all for your kind emails. my husband has recently been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B and our family is now running a fearful marathon of blood tests and vaccinations. this is also slowing down the closing process. and jeopardizing it. and someone attacked and insulted me on one of the blogs I'm writing for, which has led me to seriously question myself and eventually quit the job.
yesterday morning I curled up in bed with my heart broken and begged the universe for a brief pause in my life. trying to still my body and thoughts, like hushing the gentle oscillation of water to sink in the calmness of a warm bath. but I could not stop crying. I dragged myself out of soft, comforting cotton and stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a while. I could hardly recognize myself. and I hated that.
I knew that as soon as I'd see them an overwhelming sense of safety would quiet my tormented heart. my refuge from the storm. my girls. greeting my sadness and fear with a meatball sandwich, fun stories and unconditional support. the grass under my body, blooming roses and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame enclosing our trivial conversations and Converse Chuck Taylors with unique beauty. soothing the howling winds pounding in my soul. and reminding me that yes, life is difficult. but I am strong. and I'll get through it.
I hope you like the new design.
Reader Comments (45)
i'm so sorry that you're going through a rough time. there will always be people who try to discourage, bring down, or judge others.. because of their own ignorance, issues, or whatever reason. they don't give their opinions with love, kindness, or any positive goal in mind.
none of us are meant to be strong on our own. i hope you continue to remember that there are many people around you who really believe in you, believe what God can do through you, and who accept, love, and cherish you for who you are. life is not easy in any way, but you WILL get through it with love!
Live your life the way you want to
Don't let fools lead you astray
Live your dreams so you hold on to
All you need along the way
--Steppenwolf, "Live Your Life"
i'm sorry to hear about the hard times you're going through right now. my thoughts are with you. i know you'll rise from it a stronger person.
thank god for great friends too, right? ;-)
take care irene :-)
please take care.
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Hang in there!
i am thinking about you and sending you peace and light. peace and light.
I know criticism can be hard to handle for anyone, much less for Asian women, but we also have the benefits of our faith and the lessons learnt from living in several cultures to challenge us to say that people's criticism cannot define us! This is easier said than done if we were raised according to a certain tradition.
You are a wonderful writer with a voice that needs to be heard. I hope you will not let anyone silence you.
I am familiar with the situation, from being here with Irène, and I just wanted to say that I did read the offensive post. Trust me, it was *really* bad. But, I know Irène, and I know that this isn't the only reason she quit her job. If she had a boss who was as supportive as you are, perhaps she would still be there. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and that is what hurt her even more than the ignorant, sexist and assinine commenter who originally responded to her post. Her writing is what is important, not holding on to a job without honor or integrity. Sometimes, making the choice to walk away from something is better for us. It's not an easy choice to make, but Irène felt it was the right one.
Thank you for all of your support and kind words, it gives me such a warm feeling to see how many friends she has, and how you have all come together to stand up for Irène when she needs you. I am grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group of friends.
Thank you for your comment on my blog.
I have received death threats before (connected to my work) so I can understand how violating such a post can be. Unfortunately, I have also experienced the combination of threats on my life and bad management as well.
Your voice is beautiful, and I'm happy that you are continuing to speak..and clarifying when people don't seem to understand what you're saying :) Thank you for dialoging with me so your true voice and story can be heard. There is power in this..
Best Regards,
Thinking of you....
You have a wonderful writing voice and I hope that this doesn't keep you from writing but pushes you forward (easier said than done I know).
God bless you!