when the honeymoon is over
yesterday, my husband and I were walking in the neighborhood when I realized that we were not holding hands. was I offended? no. angry? no. did I want to hold his hand? I don't know. but then I was terrified by the fact that not holding hands in public places had become something meaningless. normal. acceptable. my husband and I aren't cuddling and smooching and giggling all the time anymore. we don't ask "please" and barely mean it when we say "thank you". I need my space. he needs his Playstation. when we discuss important issues, I yell from the kitchen and he yells back from the bathroom. we don't argue. we state facts. romance is missing. lounging is ruling. but we still love each other. the honeymoon is over. fine. but what's next?
Reader Comments (15)
I think the best thing you can do is what MistressMary just said--carve out time for just you two. Even if it is just one night a week, after the kids are in bed, as being your time to cuddle, watch TV together, talk, do a puzzle, or have romantic time. Nothing should interfere on that night...make it sacred. And when you are in the midst of the day-to-day, stop to tell him you love him and hold his hand. Chances are, he'll be happy you did and reciprocate and it'll get things going back in the direction you want them.
As you can tell, this is a very real subject for me right now, hence the long-windedness! Take care!
But I still think he is the greatest. For me it is less about romance and more about the comfortable place to go home to, in him,
Are you ok with it?
Take a trip away alone together! it's magic.
My husband and i are going through the same things too... just need to renew things a little. Everything is fine! When I notice that we're not holding hands, I grab his hand and always says how much he loves it when I do that. So, maybe surprise him... and then you will be surprised when he does it back.
Everything that you mentioned is sooooo normal. No worries! We need to get coffee soon and chat!
anyway, not doing the romantic things we used to do DOESN'T mean we love each other less. i guess with long-term couples, romance or the ticklish goosebumps must be made...i mean, surprises for no reason, or going away for a weekend---away from the stress of work and all