
what we do now Mommy?

you know your husband is away when you order a pizza for dinner and keep checking the breaking news for plane crashes in Eastern Europe. it’s Friday the 13th. and my husband flew to Greece this morning. I won't turn off CNN until he calls to say he's landed and is safe.

everytime my husband goes on a business trip, I need a couple of hours to drag myself out of a state of extreme apprehension. I fear my inevitable exhaustion, the crying, the whining and the refereeing. I have tremendous empathy for single parents. eventually my survival and self-preservation instincts well up though. probably because I know my husband will be back in 6 days. and I know he works hard for our family. I'm home with two hectic boys who keep asking "what we do now Mommy?" and can't tell the difference between play-dough and dog poop. he's in Athens and will spend the next week on a yacht producing a commercial film with a dozen models in bikini suits and one of the most beautiful actresses of Korea while I'm wiping runny noses and little booties in my lounge pajamas all day long. I'm sure he'd rather be in my shoes right now. life's unfair.

Reader Comments (8)

I know exactly how you feel. Good luck while he's gone and here is to his safe return.
May 14, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAuntie M
I am the exact same way! I could careless about the women part though. My husband thinks all women but me are annoying. I know I annoy him at times, he can't hide it. lol
May 14, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAngie
Let the thought of the lovely gifts he damn well better be bringing back for you help you get through these single parent days.

(Well, that and Mommy margarita hour that starts right after the kids go to sleep.)

Free tips from one underpaid kept woman to another!
May 14, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSusie Sunshine
all those models look the same! He won't be able to wait to get home!
May 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBecca
I said this to Coffeegirl, now I'm telling you: you, MOM, are my hero. And, your boys will always remember how you were always there for them. Besides, who wants to be on some crummy old boat so far away from home?
May 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa_AR
Hang in there, Irene. I used to think the apprehension sometimes was worse than the actual "doing". Chris left for two months last spring - coming home for 24 hours on Sat. to Sun. It sometimes was easier without him. We had our routine down! Just take control The boys will respond, I promise. Good luck.
May 15, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercarol
I can relate. My husband goes to South Africa frequently and I am always checking for updates on when his plane left, plus for plane crashes. It's hard and horrible and our communication breaks down via stilted phone calls with one-second delays and I'm always so relieved when he comes home! Much love and support to you, and may he be home soon.
May 20, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMichele
hmmm, let's see. I'd say we have an awful lot in common. go back a few years and I am home, it is hot. HE is in the Hamptons producing a commercial shoot with supermodels, in silky tunics. Wet silky tunics. I have just had a baby.
Jun 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterblackbird

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