the unquestionable evidence that I suck at waiting
it's insane sometimes. how the little things, simple things can draw an impenetrable veil over my life or light the spark of a better day. how my sons' eyes widen with theatrical glee everytime we grocery shop for yogurts. and strawberries. how I hold onto something that is not even in my control. how I love to fall asleep with my glasses and the television on. and how the laundry piling up in my bedroom has a sheen of desperation.
I know growth comes in spurts. but today I want to be hopeful and stop being afraid. I want to be patient. but I don't know how. I feel defenceless, my flimsy shields all gone, unable to put one foot in front of the other.
and God I hate ironing.
Reader Comments (18)
I love to iron.
Hope things look up soon. Besos!
(I hate it too)
Bon courage! :-))
Still no word on the new home??
One day at a time.
My Grandfather (Papa) used to say "Pick 'em up and put 'em down, pick 'em up and put 'em down..." One foot in front of the other, concentrate just on the little thing that is at hand right now, and pretty soon you'll look back and realize you've come a long way.
You can do it. Believe. One thing. Breathe.
I'm so sorry that you are still waiting. Waiting sucks. Sending hopeful vibes and unwrinkled clothes your way.
(P.S. I hate ironing too.)