Kids Say the Darndest Things aimed to show the cute innocence of children. When I first saw that movie, I laughed. I also found most features to be impossible. I thought that some of the kids were coached in...
Reader Comments (15)
I am occasionally addressed as - Your Worshipfulness.
Ahh. They learn so quickly. I'm sure he mistook you for royalty by that ermine and velvet bathrobe you wear so majestically. That and the scepter are dead giveaways.
What cuteness they are! Glad to hear Sean is better. Nothing makes you feel more helpless than a child who is ill.
Oh Irene, you are teaching them well. I am glad Sean is feeling a bit better. What did the doc give him? I have the razor blades throat (though not much of a cough) so I can relate. I sure missed going to Knots. :)
Reader Comments (15)
(Very glad to read that Sean is better today.)
(I'm happy,too, that Sean's better.)
What cuteness they are! Glad to hear Sean is better. Nothing makes you feel more helpless than a child who is ill.