
the most enchanting time of the year

the air is saturated with conspicuous lighting and anonymous carol songs. I know this is supposed to be the most enchanting time of the year. but I guess every day grappling with domestic duties and bath water drinking toddlers is not the most effective way to illuminate my soul with sweet Christmas euphoria. I'm back to single-parenting mode. late night television and bad eating habits. the uneventfulness of my daily life gravitating around my two offsprings. but I've learned something important today.

I rock at Christmas gifts wrapping.

Reader Comments (13)

Can you come and wrap my Christmas presents? I've been known to staple wrapping paper on to the present and call it a day.

Hang in there...
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
You have such a brilliant sense of humor Irene. I suck at gifts wrapping. I get the tape all over the place and can't for the life of me get those corners to fold the way they're supposed to. And I could so relate to the feeling that one is supposed to have holiday cheer and yet life seems to get in the way just a tad. But then, I'm sure on Christmas morning that will all be made up for by your beautiful sons opening presents with thousand watt grins.
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
wrap girl wrap...but i must confess i'm a bit jealous because i haven't even started...ugh...
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose
Will and Sean seriously need to meet up with Jerrett and Katherine's Julia! They can all drink bath water together!

Ah! Bad eating habits! I'm so there with you on that one! We've eaten out way too much and I have resorted to frozen meals for myself. I have no clue how to cook for one!

Hope you're ok!
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterPink Rocket
I love wrapping too! everything must match. ribbons, bows, etc., all to be ripped open and discarded.. but still, I love it. PS.. love your tee=shirt. My size is finally back in stock and soon on it's way.
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbella
hey, no sweat, this is the time of the year for eating habits to go by the wayside, right? :)

late night tv watching...whats your poison? so many addictive things on the many better things to be doing...i watch tv at night lately too! :)

so will you show us a beautiful pile of the perfectly wrapped gifts? :)))
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjenny vorwaller
At least bathwater won't SLICE UP YOUR INTESTINES on the way out!!!!

I'm right there with you on the trying to be jolly and being sabotaged by the little elves running around the house.
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSusie Sunshine
You may be stressed now more than usual, but at least you've got your sense of humor!!! I'm here for you, girlfriend!
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa_AR
Christmas gift wrapping is a lost artform. Especially since the introduction of the "gift bag". I would rather rip open pretty papered packages.
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterkassi
Love this. I totally SUCK at wrapping, in a big way.

By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog. Always nice to see friendly faces. :)
Dec 10, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNinotchka
I eat so badly when Mark is out of town. It's like I can't resist the sweets at the store... if he's away sleeping in a bed without flailing little arms, I'm gonna have chocolate, dammit! Seems we could take care of ourselves, but no. We cannot.
Dec 14, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterGinger
Ironically, it can be so hard to feel festive when you're all wrapped up in the grind of young children. The other night, I got the kids to bed and flopped on the couch with a People magazine. How festive is that?

(Thanks for all of your comments! They make me feel festive.)
Dec 15, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Turley
I'm watching crap TV and drinking my second half glass of wine. We had take out for dinner and I have yet to move off the couch since sitting down after getting my kids through bath (yes they drink the water) and into bed, sans Dad. Night jobs suck. But at least I get him in the afternoon. Your husband is back by now, but I still hear you.

Dec 21, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterangharad

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