
the momster needs prozac

"I can't take it anymore, I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" I am sitting on the kitchen's ugly linoleum floor and my butt is freezing. as I open my eyes to brave reality I see greasy finger marks and black paint spots on the wall joyfully taunting me. I close my eyes again. it's too soon. I throw my head back and beg the universe. "please God, let me hate them just for one second without feeling like I'm the worst mother in the world". my boys just won't listen to me. no matter how often I repeat requests they won't move a toe, whether it is vital necessity ("do not cross the street alone") or mere motherhood laziness ("put on your pajamas"). worse, they join their overflowing energy and plot daily mutinies. I swear they have a radar that beeps them everytime Mommy is too tired to conduct the negotiations and is likely to surrender more easily. right now they have bombed the parents' room with lego and plush and are playing "catch me and take off my sock". I laugh nervously. I know I should marvel at the sight of those two bundles of joy. that I should be grateful. but at this point, I don't know if I'm facing deliberate acts of mischievousness or just a massive level of testosterone.

Reader Comments (4)

Hi, a stranger delurking here... just to say hang in there. Three is incredibly hard. I can't even imagine how hard it is with twin boys, but don't beat up on yourself for your feelings. It will pass and you will survive! My kid started getting more reasonable about three and a half. I felt like I was hanging on by my toenails and like I'd violated every rule of calm parenting I'd ever had. But it really will get better! Hall
May 9, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHall
I know you're doing a great job. My husband is out of town for a while and last night, concerned about my sanity, I created a daily chart for the kids and explained my expectations (brushing teeth and reading books...). Who knows if it will work, but it made me feel better. Good luck.
May 9, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAuntie M
I'm with Auntie M. Just when you think you can't do it anymore, you get drastic and lay down new rules or lay out new rewards they can work for. It will work for awhile. Chris left me a message on my machine just this morning telling me that he absolutely has had it with Harrison and his "I won't put on my clothes for school no matter what!" attitude much longer. We will sit down and negotiate tonight.

I was just thinking again how great it would be to stay home and not have to work. That I could get the house clean, etc. You, I'm sure would rather be in my shoes right now. It's all perspective.

Hang in there. One day at a time. You know that.
May 9, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercarol
It is hard being the momma. It is the hardest job you will ever have. It is the hardest job I have ever faced and do so gladly daily but I do not negotiate especially at that age. I set a rule and if it is not followed there is a consequence. You set the limits and bounderies and even tho it might break your heart follow through with the consequence. Set the rules, simply and explain what breaking the rule will result in. When the rule is broken explain it was broken and follow through with the consequence. It can be hard going but it works. YOU have to be more persistant than your children. They want limits and bounderies. They test us often to find them!
May 10, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAngie

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