
that one second that makes the difference

today I've done 6 puzzles, chased a crocodile, sung about 20 songs 20 times, watched 3 episodes of Dora the explorer, cooked 4 different meals, built a tower, comforted, fed, bathed, disciplined, put to nap, put to nap again, loved, hated, hugged, laughed, yelled and kissed. today I've been exhausted, exasperated, frustrated, annoyed and amazed. but amidst the chaos and challenge of surviving twin toddlerhood, I've had that feeling again. for one second, I marveled at the beauty of God's inspiring creation. I know I am blessed beyond measure. I just forget it 99% of the time.

Reader Comments (2)

Isn't that the truth? Just when you think you can't possibly take any more of being a mommy, they remind you why you're lucky to be one. =)
Mar 10, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercoffeegirl

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