
self portrait challenge - exploration of identity


cringing and clinging. wrecking and reviving. devastating and redeeming. it eventually begins to dawn on me. adulthood. kids. life. life with you. the one sowing seeds of hurt into my little heart to fester. yet the only person in the world I can call whenever I'm running out of toilet paper. the father of my children. but I forget. that you need me. to wash your socks and clean your mess. but mostly. to stand by you when you are in doubt. I forget that you often weep in silence. and fear without shivering. I forget that you need me to love you. and to be your wife.

I do. love you.

I am. your wife.

Reader Comments (21)

...it is so easy to see our side only. crazy busy with the children, the house, the mess...
and all the while they depend on the fact that we will do these things, while they are concerned with the world, and money, and the larger world. we forget, so often, that we love each other, that we are on the journey together.
every once in a while I turn and look at him and remember.
WE are on the journey TOGETHER.
And I realize, and it leaves me breathless, that I love him so.
Nov 22, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterblackbird
This picture is very powerful. Your expression. And your words . . . I don't know, I feel for you. Do you need him? Seeds of hurt? Your last few posts have been meloncoly, and though I only know you through the blog, I want you to be well. Be well.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterblog friend
Very moving... very powerful. Heart wrenching, but the love shines through. Bittersweet.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbella
It is hard to remember that they need us emotionally just as much as we need them in that way. Thanks for reminding us.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercarol
Beautiful, Irene. So many conflicting emotions...and therein lies the beauty...
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn
There you go again with the words that make me be still...........and think.

Thank you.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSusie Sunshine
Yes, yes, as Susie said. Making me think. Damn you :)
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNicole
Wow-- I was just surfing and ran across this, which sums up what's been going on between my husband and me the last few days. I have to be reminded that he can't be the rock ALL the time.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAnne Glamore
Well said. The words are powerful, and so is the photograph.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
Beautiful, it makes me cry...it makes me realize that when you're married everything just comes naturally and we end up taking each other for granted. Your photo was an eye opener for me, more so since my husband is in another country. I take him for granted; I expect things to happen, then get frustrated when they don't. I know he needs me and he should know that I need him. Thank you.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterPink Rocket
you're so pretty. and smart.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSFKnitter
What a beautiful picture. Your expression was heartwarming and a wake-up call. Thank you for sharing.

Take care.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterConnie
Beautiful, beautiful picture.

And thank you for reminding me to just stop. And remember. I've been forgetting lately too.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSuse
That was so beautiful, it made me tear up a little.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
that sounded like something I needed to be writing to my man. Its hard this love, this marriage this life. Its hard to remember for me then men have a hard time too.
Nov 23, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAlex
You express yourself with such beautiful words. Deep, meaningful, beautiful and touching words. You are a very gifted lady. Thanks for the inspiration.
Nov 24, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterLian
Your picture captures everything and speaks volumes. As always, thanks for sharing.
Nov 24, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa
Mmm--this one left me just nodding quietly. Seeds of hurt followed by seeds of joy. It is so amazing: being in a relationship with someone, deeply, wholly. There is always a sense of polarity, of tug-of-war, of compromise. But also remember, beautiful Irene, that you are strong and true and wise and incredible, JUST YOU, as you are--not just as a mother or a wife...

Happy thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for you my friend!
Nov 25, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
This made me think of the differences between our husbands and us. Sometimes we celebrate them. And sometimes we loathe them. We forget that just because they don't cry doesn't mean they don't hurt. And just because they don't always talk about their feelings doesn't mean they don't have them.

Thank you.
Nov 26, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterLucinda
Lovely, just lovely... sometimes I forget too and in moments like this it all comes back. It makes the hard stuff seems less hard and the little things worth more than gold. Cherish these moments. Love fully.
Nov 29, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterFlare

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