
school picture


Sean and Will's school pictures form has 8 different packages available, including calendars and key chains options. I think I need some aspirin now. but I look at it once in a while and it's here again. the gratitude. the love. and fear simmers down. yet today I've failed. I yelled, threatened and blackmailed. I smacked my forehead with disbelief and curled up in bed as guilt barged in. I even mentioned Santa. and his cellphone number. twice. God, I feel bad about that one.

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  • Response
    Response: Santa Hotline
    My mobile phone rings. I examine the oh-so-useful caller id and exclaim, "Hi Kyliemac! How are you?" She replies, "Hi, is Santa there?" ... Last night, I got a phone call from this rarely-frazzled young lady, who confessed that she...

Reader Comments (16)

I laughed, maybe I shouldn't have but I did...because of the blackmail and calling Santa! I started using that a lot this month! "Santa" even sent an email to Jerrett after Jerrett sent him his wish list...I threatened to email him and tell him to take 1 item off the list for every bad things he does. I feel bad! But, ya know...we all do it! We all yell and get aggrevated! (P.S. I found out that Santa does have a phone number now, it's in Norway)
Nov 30, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterPink Rockety
Did you see that? I added a y at the end of Rocket! Argh! I hate typing with cold fingers!
Nov 30, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterPink Rocket
Oooh. I did the exact same thing when my girls were that age. I told them I was calling Santa to tell him what they had done. A few minutes later I found them crying under the dining room table. I felt SO horrible. 15 years have passed since then, and they seem to be fairly well-adjusted, so I think I can stop kicking myself now.
Nov 30, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMistressMary
yes...just looking at them i can see the mischief in their eyes. your day sounds quite a bit like a lot of mine...but i haven't pulled the ol' santa threat..yet...that's a good one.
Nov 30, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose
LOVE the school pic! I could just kiss their cheeks off, Irene.

Use the Santa blackmail thing as much as you want to. You've only got that leverage for a few short years!
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa_AR
Oh my gosh! How adorable. I can't wait for school pics.
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa
Does it make me a bad Mummy that I am *so* filing the "Santa's cellphone number" away for future use?

Don't feel bad about little things like that. When they grow up it's not that sort of thing that will haunt them. Last night Julia asked me over and over and over and over if she could watch a movie...I was changing Oliver's diaper and I kept telling her in a nice, calm voice, "In a seckie, sweetheart..." until finally I shouted, "STOP ASKING ME THAT! I CAN'T DO TWO THINGS AT ONCE! I'M ONLY ONE PERSON!"

Shoulda seen the look on her face. It was like, "She's ONLY ONE PERSON?!"
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
Don't feel bad about the Santa threat, those are the moments future family legends are born!

College-age Will: Remember the time Dad was gone and Mom got fed up with us painting the walls with peanut butter?

College-age Sean: (Laughs) You mean the time she said she was going to call Santa on his cellphone and tell him to put us on the naughty list? I remember that! Haha-I still didn't behave but when no one was looking I would pet the dog to get me back on the good list.

Will: You did? I never did that. I started putting toys away because I thought she really DID have the number! YOU MEAN I WAS BEING GOOD AND DOING ALL THE WORK MYSELF?!

Sean: Some people have looks, others have smarts.

Will: But we're IDENTICAL TWINS!

Irene: Oh don't make me call the parents of your girlfriends, children!

(And didn't I warn you about the school picture form?! It's like the 7th circle of hell for parents.)
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSusie Sunshine
Oh, how far we've come...from letters to the North just ringing Santa on his cell... ;) ADORABLE photo!
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn
Oooooo, you were realy pulling out the big guns with the Santa card. But. The school picture is very cute. They look like little angels!
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterCharmaine
oooh, i laughed too! seriously, this is life with toddlers. you got a two for one special, it's got to be hard.
i love the pics!!
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbella
Oh my, what suzy wrote is sooo on! Tee hee!

I loved seeing this picture because you can really see their personalities here--is Will on the right or left? Once and for all I'd like to get them figured out.

And threats regarding Santa and his cellphone are perfectly acceptable in times of pre-holiday solo parenting. Don't feel guilty. I think every mother under the sun whose kids believe in santa has probably used the old guy as a bargaining chip at least once (or a hundred times).

At the end of the day instead of succumbing to guilt tell yourself: "I am sooo kick ass. I'm doing this all myself" Because you do. Totally kick ass!
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
Ohhh, that is way too funny. I do the same thing (well not the Santa/cell phone thing yet, but i'm sure one day i'll be using that) Don't be hard on yourself. Your boys will be fine, you are doing a great job. They look really cute in those photos, Little Angles :)
Dec 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
oh my goodness! that all sounds so fmailiar...the bargaining chips, the headaches...but man! why didn't i think of the CELL PHONE :D

i love how they each have a handsome little devil expression of their own...they are sooo cute.
Dec 2, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjenny vorwaller
Hmmm... rethinking the whole "we don't do Santa" thing. You mean I can use him as a tool for good girls? Very interesting.

And the boys are adorable. I'm gonna fly all the way to Paris just to kiss their faces off.
Dec 4, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterGinger
What adorable school photos! Love your blog and totally envy where you live! ;)
Dec 18, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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