queen of the dial
friends are a strange entity. some of the friends I have I've known since the age of 4. some I met only a couple of years ago. some remain just acquaintances, others have become my soul sisters. I've lost some friends too. some have probably forgotten about me. I have forgotten about so many. I guess that throughout the years I've learned to accept the coming and going of people in my life. I've learned that you don't own people and that they can decide whether they want to share their lives with you or not, and that it's ok.
sometimes you are surprised. you meet someone randomly and a friendship blossoms. you think it's just someone you talk with on the phone once in a while, but then, you start sending cards on Christmas and New Year's day and gifts on birthdays. you get phone calls and worried emails when one of your kid is at the hospital or a few days after a bad day to see if you're ok. strangely enough, you don't compare lifestyles, bank accounts, wardrobe or haircuts. you talk stupid thoughts and more personal issues, your background, your childhood and you realize you're truly heard. it was not something planned or anticipated. it just happened.
after talking with my best friend this morning for about an hour and a half, I had a big smile on my face the entire day. I've known her for 4 years and we met only 3 times.
I love friendship between women. this is a gift we must treasure every day.
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