on my to-stop-doing list today
spending a considerable amount of time and energy stressing out over things that I swore I would never worry about, such as elementary report cards, feed subscribers and body shape.
saying yes to unnecessary obligations and tasks that keep my focus away from what I really love and enjoy doing.
believing that I must work a certain number of hours each day (and make a certain amount of money each month) to feel legitimate as a writer and photographer.
thinking about that screenplay, and actually write it.
being so serious.
some things that are helping:
take that nap by Lisa Baldwin
remembering your genius. the artist in you. by Bindu Wiles
the simplest diet for lean fitness by Leo Babauta
and Sir Ken Robinson, always.
Feb 11, 2011 6 Comments
Reader Comments (6)
Oh, yes. we all need a "To-Stop-Doing" list. To think about those things that are holding us back and to let them go.
I just launched my own blog. I find myself obsessively checking to see if anyone has left comments; checking the number of feed subscribers; checking my Flickr stats for number of views - as if comments or views will change my words or my phtographs into something else; something better; something more worthy. Precious time I could be spending actually BEING creative.
Thank you for reminding us of what is really important.