now what?
ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) : "see, despite medical treatment Will still has recurring bouts of otitis media and a chronic ear infection. I really think that an adenoidectomy should be performed to remove the adenoid tissue. July 13th would be great because I go on vacation on the 14th. you have to come to the hospital early in the morning. the procedure itself only takes about 40 minutes and your kid will be asleep the whole time. you will be able to leave the hospital about two hours later. with your son, of course. here are the papers for the blood test and appointment with the anaesthetist. and make sure your son has eaten nothing. this is a really simple procedure. don't worry. Mrs.? are you okay? you're turning kinda white right now."
Reader Comments (13)
cause the general anethesia is just NOTHING.
watching them hold him down for the IV is NOTHING.
having them wheel him away from you is NO BIG DEAL.
while it could be a miracle cure, it is a big step.
take mamny deep breaths, probably into a paper bag.
(you know, so you don't pass out?)
Poor little guy's mom.
Sending good vibes to you all from across the pond.
I hope the little guy is feeling better soon.
If you have any questions or worries, you know my email address! I'm thinking of you sweetie.
Good luck!!!