
my heart aches


the reality is unpalatable.

and I believe there's no word to describe a mother's feeling as she watches her child fall asleep his head lying on the toilet seat after he's thrown up, again.

my heart aches. my eyes cry. my soul begs.

but every second I am bashed by my love for my son.

Reader Comments (15)

Oh, poor Sean! Ouch ouch ouch ouch. I'm sending him a hug from Minneapolis, Minnesota. :) Get better soon, Sean!
Feb 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChris
The only thing worse than throwing up yourself is having to care for your child (or children) when they are vomiting. I can empathize. I am sending you hugs from Dallas, Texas, USA! {{{HUGS}}}
Oh, Irene. Big, big, big hugs coming to you and Sean (and Will, must be hard to see your brother so sick!).
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
My heart is breaking for you and Sean, too. Poor little guy, I hope he feels better very soon.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa_AR
a bear hug to Sean and mommy... oh Irene, I feel for you. It's not easy. I hope he'll get better soon. It was good that you went to the doctor early enough. With the right medecine he'll be over it soon.

Gros bisous à tous les trois!
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJoy
Oh poor little guy! Vomiting for just a few hours seems like an eternity. Hoping he gets better soon. I know its just breaking his mommys heart! Take care...
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterHeather P.
hugs and hugs to you both!! (my heart is breakin too ):
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterjenny vorwaller
I really feel for you and Sean, I hope he feels better soon. Sending hugs your way.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbella
Awww. I'm sorry your little guy is under the weather. Hope you all feel better soon. Love the picture Irene. It just screams love.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCharmaine
Oh Irene, I feel for you...
sometimes I can even FEEL what they are feeling when they are sick, I know how hard it can be...

prayers across the ocean to you.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterblackbird
sending many well wishes your son's way and many, many hugs to you.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose
Ohhh that made my heart hurt, Those are the times I just want to do nothing but hold and rock them all day.
Feb 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
Oh my god, my heart ached reading this. How terrible. I want to scoop you both up and make it better!
Feb 17, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
Oh my gosh! I hope that he feel better soon! I'm thinking about you, Sean!
Feb 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAimee
Hope he's feeling better, poor little guy.
Feb 18, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn

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