like Toys 'R' Us on an inventory day
today I gently deflected my son's obsessively questioning why his Buzz Lightyear could not fly. and it is only after dodging a few Teletubbies defying the laws of gravity that I've realized you should never mess with a 4 year-old's stirring up, avid curiosity.
the perpetual struggle to keep bellies fed and faces clean and washing done. jumping in and out of the shower to wipe bottoms or end a fight, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind me. musical Christmas cards jingle belling. tripping over legos, a pain that all the Tylenol in the world could not smother. and that familiar, gauzy fatigue.
some days there is no redeemingly dignified way to describe the life of a full-time stay-at-home mother. reality thickens. and my house looks like Toys 'R' Us on an inventory day.
Reader Comments (9)
Just take a look at your absolutely gorgeous babes and tough as it is, it will be worth it as the Best caregiver is always a dedicated and loving mother! You rock as a mom, Irene! HAPPY New Year!
Hang in there mom!
I guess many feel the same. I can surely say this is a wonderful space where the wonderful people meet.
In your usual poignant way, you so accurately express the reality of a stay at home mom, and amazingly, as others have stated, you do so with such few words.