
like Toys 'R' Us on an inventory day

today I gently deflected my son's obsessively questioning why his Buzz Lightyear could not fly. and it is only after dodging a few Teletubbies defying the laws of gravity that I've realized you should never mess with a 4 year-old's stirring up, avid curiosity.

the perpetual struggle to keep bellies fed and faces clean and washing done. jumping in and out of the shower to wipe bottoms or end a fight, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind me. musical Christmas cards jingle belling. tripping over legos, a pain that all the Tylenol in the world could not smother. and that familiar, gauzy fatigue.

some days there is no redeemingly dignified way to describe the life of a full-time stay-at-home mother. reality thickens. and my house looks like Toys 'R' Us on an inventory day.

Reader Comments (9)

Some women writes pages and pages about write only a few paragraphs, yet provide such a deep, complete picture of your life. Beautiful post.
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn
oops I just wrote you a comment to this in an email, I just read your post about comments and clicking on the title, sorry about that.
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
I'm thinking of creating a sign for my front door that reads, "Martha Stewart doesn't live here". You are so right! There is no way to explain the day-to-day activities of life as a stay-at-home-mom. When strangers ask me the inevitable, "So, what do YOU do?" I want to reply, "What DON'T I do?"
All moms can identify with what you posted, I am sure. Ironically, motherhood is the most challenging and demanding period in a woman's life and yet, it can also be the most rewarding and enriching experience for us (years later when one is reminiscing)!!!

Just take a look at your absolutely gorgeous babes and tough as it is, it will be worth it as the Best caregiver is always a dedicated and loving mother! You rock as a mom, Irene! HAPPY New Year!
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterCindy
There is this time frame I don't think it has a name...but the whole week after Christmas is just play with your toys week. Don't worry about the mess. Let them have fun! There is always time to go back to stress after the 1st of the year.

Hang in there mom!
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterConnie
I'm with Marilyn. You say a few lines and yet you say it all. Hugs, dear Irene. I know just how you feel.
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
So well said, as usual. ;) I look around here sometimes and feel like I live in a daycare.
Dec 29, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
Oh, the wonderful sentences that you write!
I guess many feel the same. I can surely say this is a wonderful space where the wonderful people meet.
Dec 30, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjenny
yes, my week after christmas has been similar, except that I'm stepping on Barbie accessories and wondering why every other toy my daughters received is scented with coconut.

In your usual poignant way, you so accurately express the reality of a stay at home mom, and amazingly, as others have stated, you do so with such few words.
Dec 30, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermelanie

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