
it's time

yesterday. the sheer and pleasurable euphoria of buying a new skirt and sweater. and 30% off. an afternoon with fabulous friends. white chocolate and raspberry muffins. homemade. and cheese. a day without the boys is brief, fleeting yet never too short. I know. I am a bundle of paradox. but I did miss sandwiching between them early in the morning. I missed my sons.

today. pernicious germs have pervaded my house, wrapping and sealing momsterland in a package of mess, confusion and anarchy. I smell like puke and vanish carpet oxy. and I swing back and forth "I am cranky" and "I am grateful" like a pendulum. I worry, I rationalize. sometimes, there's just too much going on in my head and I can't decide. it's time to be alert again. to corrupt the medical secretary. to miss a couple of days of school. it's time to remember to pay the cable bill. it's time to absorb. the whining. the vomiting. the crying. to dedicate, to give. to love.

Reader Comments (15)

Oh no Irene! Are they both sick now, or just Will?? Poor babies and poor you!

I'm glad that you had a nice day otherwise!
Dec 4, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterPink Rocket
30% off?
I remember once, K was in the Phillipines, I spent $1500 at Saks one day.
And he deserved it, if you catch my drift...
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterblackbird
remember in all your giving to give to yourself as well. With out a spring or waterflow the well dries up and the townspeople of no water.
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commenteralex
Sorry your all sick. I understand, wanting to be away and with them at the same time...just got back from the first night away from them...loved it and missed them so much at times. Motherhood.
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
Blech. Sorry to hear your guys are sick. I feel for you. Friday night after we got the scripts for Julia I left Dave in the van and went into the drugstore to get them filled. I volunteered to go in -- I *needed* to go in, alone, having been with screaming, crying, snotting children by myself all day...and yet while I was in there waiting for them to be filled I kept wishing they'd hurry the hell up so I could go be with my sick babies.

Hope the morning brings less vomit and more smiles.
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commentermama_tulip
i'm so glad you got to enjoy a day alone and new purchases on sale before the other happened...sending well wishes your way!
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose
Poor babies, and poor you. Those days are so long ago for me, but I remember them very well. I hope you don't get the bug - single moms can't afford to get sick :)
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMistressMary
Enjoy your new outfit -- it's so much fun to treat yourself. Hopefully you weren't trying on your new sweater when Will got sick!

Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa
Ah, but think how boring life would be without paradoxes... ;)
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn
Now if that isn't the oerfect summary of a life of a Mom I don't know what is! Gosh, I hope you all get to feeling better soon!
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSteph.
I know where you are coming from but can't imagine that x 2. You are supermom, I say. Take care of those precious guys and yourself as well.
Dec 5, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterandie
Ooh, I'm sorry you guys are all sick. That's just awful. Hope you're on the mend and feeling better very, very soon!
Dec 6, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa_AR
Hope you're all feeling better! Hugs and kisses your way!
Dec 6, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterCharmaine
Poor boys:(- i hope they are well soon-my friend here has her three (tripletes) home with the flu-they are ten and really miserable-I'll be thinking of you all Irene-give the boys a get better hug!
Dec 6, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjakapk
Only day two of single parenting here. My little one is sick too (how much longer before the big is sick, I wonder). And I just paid past due bills. We may be an ocean apart, but sometimes it's so good to feel like someone else is right there in the same space. Thinking of you!
Dec 6, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterGinger

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