it's a jungle out there
"my dear sons,
yesterday Daddy and Mommy attended the kindergarten informational meeting. and here's what you have to know: it's a jungle out there. right now you struggle with occasional biting and a dozen grovelling babies at daycare, but in a couple of months you will be thrown into the department of public education arena with 362 other children age 3 to 6. you will no longer have 7 but only one person to supply answers to your daily inquiries and demands. someone who will obviously be on Prozac. you will have high objectives to achieve and new skills to learn during the next three years. you will have to conform to a new set of rules without shading your creativity and imagination. but you will also have a lot of fun. some of your little friends will leave school earlier than you. Mommy will pick you up at 4pm and deal with the guilt every day. and if some kids make fun of you it's only because you're so handsome and they're jealous. just ignore them. but learn from it. Mommy will not be there to put instant Band-Aids on every bump but I know it's a good thing. don't forget what Daddy and Mommy have taught you for the last 40 months. always say "please" and "thank you", ask permission to touch, if you break it say "sorry" and mean it, share with others and wipe your little bootie. twice. you are wonderful boys and I love you and I've never been prouder to be your Mommy."
Reader Comments (13)
I could say don't worry, but you would do that anyway. But they will be ok, and hopeful they will love school!
I have hesitated twice now before clicking the create post button. I don't want to offend you in any way. Stop feeling guilty, please. There is no need to walk around carrying any of the guilt you speak of. Enjoy this time. You won't believe how much life is going to change over the next few years. I say this with only the best of intentions.
I am the mother of 3 beautiful boys whom I worry about, often. Well, perhaps constantly, I think that is the 'twinge' in my brain that I try to overlook.
Resiliant. That is the perfect word for children. So ready to adapt and pick up whatever faces them. What wonderous creatures they are. And to think, we made them!! Your boys will be fine, as will you. Change is a wonderful opportunity to recreate yourself and enjoy an adventure. Boys LOVE adventures, so tag on, you will too.
Thank you for sharing yourself with a stranger.
Wipe your bottom twice - priceless!
Here's what I found out when my children went to school: it not only expanded their world, it expanded mine. I made friends with moms and families that I never would have even met. I became more involved in my community. I even ended up going back to school to become a teacher.
I guess I am just echoing what everyone else has already said -- it's a huge step, but an exciting and wonderful one. Congratulations!
Hang in there. You're a good mom and your boys will be great. What you don't know is all these things you've been teaching them each day, things that come second nature to you, well they are the things that will help your sons as they make it through schools ups and downs. (This is what I'm telling myself I hope I am right! HA!)
I have really been enjoying your posts. Have a great day.