
I'm still here


angling for the right pair of jeans that would magically lift my flat butt and camouflage my short legs. surviving lice fest, blog depression and a Dora-themed birthday party. I'm still here. thoroughly reading your blogs. my morning inspirations. laughing, worrying and pondering with you.

today I love my life. constantly being reinvented. snow in March. my husband sleeping his face resting on the palm of my hand. endless opportunities clinking, allowing my soul to howl its creativity and embrace art and beauty. my children. a film-director asking me to write a short screenplay. the affection and support of friends who call me nugget. my confidence and discernment expanding. and my heart, my soul. peaceful. at last.

today I gave up my pay to have my freedom back. and that has made all the difference.

Reader Comments (27)

I think that we are going to call you chicken nugget from now on, or just nugget! You're so cute, Irene! I loved seeing you tonight! I've missed you!
Congrats on the screenplay! You didn't mention it. I am so intrigued...I am so glad that you are loving life again.... you so deserve it! Bises.
Mar 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAimee
oh Irene, I am so happy for you. Myself one day hoping to find my inner peace. How exciting on everything you mentioned, and you look fab in those jeans! Your gorgeous! ((hugs)))
Mar 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
well, the flat-butt syndrome is of asian origin, and especially a korean phenomenon, didn't u know? it's not only girls either, but korean MEN seem to suffer from it as well, maybe even more severely! where there should be mountains, there is a cliff, a flat drop. it's a wonder that men's pants defy gravity and stay up! but then the mystery is solved... it's not hanging off the butt, it's hanging off the waist -- u know the typical korean ahjussi style, of pants going waaaaaay up to the ribcage! yes, u know what i'm sayin. =)

you look wonderful, Irene. and wonderful things are happening to you! i'm very very happy for you! bon chance!
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbooyahman
i'm so happy for you! Good luck with it!
try DKNY jeans, they can make a flat butt round:)
take care!
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterkim
Yes, yes. You are gorgeous. But if you want me to evaluate how your butt looks in those jeans, you are gonna have to turn around. Geez.

So good to hear you sounding happy!
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterNicole
It's amazing we all get through the day..mothering, worrying about body image, struggling with self fulfillment and obligations, LICE, housework, being a wife...AAHHH! Sounds like you're finding the balance.. good for you!! my friend.
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercarol
oh thank you, thank you for your wonderful comments. I've missed you all so much.

I thought I'd respond some of your questions:

yes, I bought the jeans I'm wearing on the picture and yes, it was at the Gap. how did you guess?

I did not completely give up on Les Boutchous. I'm just writing less often but I had to give up my pay. I really wanted to have more time to write for Blogging Baby.

I've actually studied films and wrote a couple of screenplays a few years back. this is actually very exciting. thank you all for your support. I will keep you posted.
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterIrene

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