
I need a toilet seat cleaner

full-time single-parent day #12.

my butt hurts from riding an old-fashioned wooden horse and "hee-ha" and "heeeeeeeee" devoting overserious effort to amuse my 3 year-old sons. but no. I am not exhausted. I've just found the perfect recipe for contentment. I nibble on rare minutes of gratification and strive to compose myself everytime things get a little unpleasant. but for some reason Sean and Will now refuse to pee standing up. and I have purchased 72 diapers yesterday only to find out that my boys are perfectly qualified for a dry-all-night marathon. did I mention that I suck at shopping?

Reader Comments (6)

Welcome to the JOY that is having a young son (or, in your case, two sons!) I still can't get mine to keep it in the toilet for some reason, and it drives me UP the wall! Yeah, let me know if you find that good seat cleaner...
Aug 17, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterCrazy Momcat
I'll take the diapers - I still can't get Ella to be dry for more than one or two nights a week. Congratulations!
Aug 17, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercarol
But see- if you had bought 72 diapers- they would be back to full on wetness! You and I are seperated at birth- in the matters of shopping:)
Aug 18, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjakapk
That was suppose to say Had NOT bought...oops
Aug 18, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjakapk
YAY for them. That must be a pretty huge milestone. I'm sure someone in Paris needs 72 diapers...:)
Aug 18, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
This may sound weird but...

Aiden decided to stop peeing in the loo after a few months of doing it, so I um, started putting cheerios in the toilet for him to aim at. It worked. Go figure.
Aug 20, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterkj

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