I need a toilet seat cleaner
full-time single-parent day #12.
my butt hurts from riding an old-fashioned wooden horse and "hee-ha" and "heeeeeeeee" devoting overserious effort to amuse my 3 year-old sons. but no. I am not exhausted. I've just found the perfect recipe for contentment. I nibble on rare minutes of gratification and strive to compose myself everytime things get a little unpleasant. but for some reason Sean and Will now refuse to pee standing up. and I have purchased 72 diapers yesterday only to find out that my boys are perfectly qualified for a dry-all-night marathon. did I mention that I suck at shopping?
Reader Comments (6)
Aiden decided to stop peeing in the loo after a few months of doing it, so I um, started putting cheerios in the toilet for him to aim at. It worked. Go figure.