I heart film
we've finally had the first rolls of film that we shot with the new Contax 645 camera developed today. and I have to admit it. as much as I enjoy the convenience and many possibilities that digital photography offers, my love for film, fully entrenched in the beauty of its texture, process and imperfection, is expanding every day.
some beautiful film photos: another summer, untitled, La promenade, untitled and pendant.
Reader Comments (17)
BrownButterfly: thank you!
susan: thank you so much!
Chris: thanks!
tut-tut: thank you, and I know what you mean! I remember feeling the same about my first digital camera.
nikoline: thank you!
Sarah-Ji: thank you, and yes! it is addictive! a new project sounds great, I'd really love to see what your fabulous eye would capture on film :)