hey, it's ok
if you can knit nothing but scarves and hats.
to watch Extreme Makeover and feel curious about what difference a lipo would make in your life.
to think you're so cool because you just bought this book and a copy of this magazine.
if you want to write a book but still don't know what about.
to clamour for attention and crave for validation. and comments.
to feel inadequate sometimes and think you should be recalled by whoever has manufactured you.
to shuffle through life with that fretful panting, desperate for meaning and a sense of purpose.
and unashamedly tell everyone about that day when your son came up to you saying his index finger was smelling like poop and stuck it up your nose.
to want to be a super mom.
Reader Comments (24)
I love you. And your writing. I am jealous of your way with words and of the fact that you can think and write in (at least?) two languages.
You kick some serious ass, Momster.
I fretfully pant often, I can't knit at all, I often wonder about a recall, I relish a few days with one less human in the house (but my hubby doesn't travel often), ditto on the EM (but a tummy tuck for me!),the book, the attention, and the super mom thing. Hmm..i guess I know why I always relate to what you have to say, Irene. HA!
It IS okay, all of your stuff. You're a great mom and that's an awesome career in itself. You also write so well that we readers are in awe of you!!
And Irene, don't forget the mitten you made!
"to feel inadequate sometimes and think you should be recalled by whoever has manufactured you."
And this is me all the time:
"if you want to write a book but still don't know what about."
I love, love, love reading your blog. Love it.
i love reading your blog. it never fails to make me smile. you write about the most mundane things so beautifully.
Let me also say: I'm blown away every single time I come to your blog by the way you put word together. And the fact that you can write nifty code to make your blog so beautiful. And that you have twins--and they are goreous and happy. And that you do it for long stints of time all by yourself.
Let me also say: thank you for being a part of my world Irene, you make it so so so much better. But I want to add: you are exquisitely beautiful (really) and no lipo could ever ever make you more so. Really.
Wow! You can knit HATS! I never progressed beyond scarves. So you are extra-ok.