extraordinarily normal
Sean is laughing so infectiously that I can't help smiling. and the amount of joy in his eyes now could supply the neighborhood. Will likes to tickle my feet in the morning. he also says that I'm so cool. snow is expected. I fall asleep with the light on. I like to believe that it reminds my husband that he's loved and missed when he comes home late from work.
there are moments in a person's life, scarce and frail, when you realize how good and pleasant life is when you slow down and delight in the little things that occasionally sprinkle your day with beauty and inspiration. when you don't strive to live up to your own expectations. when you stroke your child's hair. and learn how to really love him. when everything is extraordinarily normal.
Reader Comments (24)
as usual.
Found you through Waya's anniversary blog... and she is so right about you!!