eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
given the opportunity what event or people would I want to erase from my memory?
there are pains that are so harsh that some days I want to bang my head against the wall and trigger selective amnesia. the one time I've been deceived and betrayed by the person I love the most and lost the trust I had placed in him. my father and the violence I've been exposed to as a child. probably also that one time I let out a big loud fart in front of 10 people. 15 years later I still blush when I think of it. but of course erasing these events and people would mean erasing all the good things that are intricately and intimately linked to them. the birth of my kids, the first 12 years of my life, the first time I fell for a boy at church. those things feed my memory with senses and emotions, colors, fabrics and sounds that shape my heart, mind and soul. there are invaluable and essential.
how decisive and meaningful are the bad things that happen to us? how much do they influence and teach us about who we are? do they unconsciously dictate the way we respond to life? are they as important as the good things?
Reader Comments (8)
yup, one ofthe best story ever written. original and thought-provoking.
Hey...just to let you know, you are a great writer. I wish I could figure out a way to get my thoughts to come out that well. Brava!
May I ask what your #1 most favorite movies is?
And it made me think, something I don't get to do often enough.