
encouraging openness to various types of music and an emotional foundation conducive to handling multiple languages

single parent day #10. I am tired. the kind of exhaustion you get when you've spent too much time negotiating an emotional minefield. too much time with kids. I crawl into bed and nestle with a book in the familiar pokiness of my bedroom. without the boys' screaming voices and fighting over who's going to go pee first, I can hear all these other lives seeping through the walls. footsteps on the ceiling. the elevator door opening. laughter under my feet. and the same song playing in my head over and over again.

"baby I've seen it all before... baby I've seen it all before... baby I've seen it all before... I ain't gonna be a fool, anymore."

only after a few weeks singing in the car with my boys, it sounds more like this.

"bebe I seen it oh Clifford... bebe I seen it oh Clifford... bebe I seen it oh Clifford... I and be a foo... animal"

I smile. somewhere, Amos Lee weeps and is banging his head against a wall.

Reader Comments (10)

lol!! This is so funny! I remember my son's phrase which gave me a hard time to decipher: "Je veux bèk à baffe." After several weeks, I found out the translation one morning while he was taking a bath. He was singing (or sounded like he was), "bèk à baffe, bèk à baffe, bèk à baffe..." Eureka! He meant "take a bath". Je veux to take a bath!

I hope bébé Clifford is happy! :-))
Jan 9, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJoy
Hee hee. I'm not sure which is better - your story or your title!
Jan 10, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChris
Hang in there honey! You're one tough cookie!!
Jan 10, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercarol
You ARE a tough cookie. An email is en route tomorrow. Till then, sending you lots of hugs. Oh, and you described PERFECTLY the feeling of living in an apartment--"all these other lives seeping through the walls"
Jan 10, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterchristina
you have such a way of mixing the humor in...hand in there.
Jan 10, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterliz elayne
I LOVE the new look of your blog. I wish I knew how do create a web page...
Jan 10, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterkassig
Like the new banner image, Irene. Very clean and pretty. Hey and at least you can laugh about such stories! Keep singing, woman!
Jan 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCharmaine
I always got a kick out of my kids' interpretations of song lyrics. They're older not, but we still enjoy singing their old version of HOME ON THE RANGE. "Where sellron (?) is heard a buscouraging(?) word and the sky is not cloudy all the day."
Jan 11, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterwordgirl
Ten days is a long time. I think seeing those small moments of humour makes everything a little easier.

Hold on.

Jan 11, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterjess
hahaha!!! that's great. i'm an amos lee fan too. of course i don't know him personally but i don't see how he wouldn't get a kick out of this.
Jan 11, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose

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