a little revolution
the weather is in that undecided state which is more exasperating than when my boys peel the stickers off every apple at the grocery store and stick them on their face. and my dog hasn't pooped in four days.
but the lessons. about living one day at a time. about the joy of singing songs with my sons lying on the living-room rug, holding hands and drawing under the shadow of a large tree. refreshing me like sips of fresh water after a long walk. yet no matter how significant they are. they cannot compare to the exhilaration, pride and little revolution that is going on in our home.
Sean. now. wipes. his. own. bottom.
Reader Comments (20)
Dream. of. it.
I'm so sorry about Finn.. I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but I'm thinking about you and your family. Pets are definitely such a huge part of the family. ((hugs))
It's still touch and go here, if my seven year old can talk someone into doing it, she's a happy camper. She doesn't like having to wash her hands so if she doesn't wipe she figures she doesn't have to wash....
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