a lesson is repeated until it's learned
I've wailed, cried, conjured, blamed and hated. 4 years. I've lived with the agony of someone who is standing on a boat lurching with every jolt of the water. and I think it's time for me to stop. letting go of my resentment for the unpredictability of my husband's business trips is the most intelligent choice I've made in my life. and the easiest one. it's not about sacrifice or compromise. not even acceptance or surrender. it is a small shift teaching me that stability is more about consistency of the heart and less about the circumstances of my life.
Reader Comments (9)
P.S. Chris LOVED his goodies from the Tour de France. Thank you for following through on that!!!!
Thank you.
~do you girls all have blogs? I don't have one, i just reeb in and read them all.
this is very smart.