this was the decade I turned 40.
the decade I lost my father, and made peace with the fact that he was a deeply flawed and sick man, and that taught me how to be a caring, responsible parent.
lost my dog, and adopted a new one.
lost a child, and learned that joy and grief can coexist.
lost my love, and found my true self.
this was the decade I produced two short documentary films and directed one, and if I can do it anyone can.
got my first, second and third tattoo, and no it doesn’t hurt that bad.
visited many cities, and still think Paris is the most beautiful, magical place of all.
traveled to Haiti and Tanzania, and it took me almost another decade to figure out and accept that it was my life calling.
met some of the best people, and I remind myself every day to never take them for granted.
this was the decade my boys grew facial hair and lost their high-pitched voices, and became young men with opinions of their own.
this was a decade of losses and lessons, and I’m ready for the next one.

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