17 things I love about Will
when I found out that one of his good friends had created a Nazi parody account and was weighing on whether I should call the kid’s parents or not, he called him on the phone, told him how outraged he was, and asked him to take it down. the friend apologized and deleted the account. “I just can’t have my friends doing this kind of shit” he later told me.
he greets and thanks people with a firm handshake and genuine smile.
he does the laundry for the whole family.
he’s always been afraid of rollercoasters, and never been ashamed to admit it.
he’s always curious, always experimenting. And his dedication to his own personal creative pursuit never ceases to amaze me.
he taught himself how to make chai latte (my favorite) from scratch to surprise me.
he (still) loves traveling with me.
he has his very own sense of humor that mostly consists of creating puns. And he likes to test them on me. Side note: they are rarely funny, but the thought he puts into the exercise always makes me laugh.
he’s very cost-conscious.
(but) he knows how to indulge and purchase things that make him happy once in a while.
he’s an empath.
he loves volunteering.
every time I come home late from work, Will sits on my bed, asks about my day and shows me funny videos on his phone.
he has an independent spirit, enjoys alone time and exploring new places.
while visiting Madrid, he took me aside and convinced me to surprise Sean with tickets to a Champion’s League football game at Santiago Bernabeu stadium, helping fulfill one of his brother’s longtime dreams.
no matter the situation I know I can always talk sense to him.
he doesn’t take shit from no one.
happy 17 my boy.

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