
this is what my husband is busy doing while I'm desperately trying to explain to our sons why they can't empty shampoo bottles in the bathtub

Sens commercial

KTF commercial

LG Whisen commercial

I couldn't be more proud of him.

Reader Comments (22)

Irene, you must be so proud! I love them all! The colors are gorgeous in Whisen commercial, as well as the flowy lines. And the one with Jang Dong Kun is fabulous as well. He is so cute~ ;) That aria "Una Furtiva Lagrima" is one of my favorites!
Hope that you'll be seeing him soon~
Jun 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaryn
now that I am back on wifi (I had dial-up on vacation) I finally saw these!
of course as a producer's wife all I can think of is the budget and the shooting on the water and the boats and the light and missing the shots and...and...and...
it always amazes me that producers have reels with their resumes.
I've told K to attach some budgets as he has little to do with the way things LOOK.

I'd be proud too - they are great spots. And I'll bet they came in on budget, if not under!
Jul 12, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterblackbird

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