
the one where I realize that I'm going to outlive my dog

slipping through life with little turbulence and rejoicing with all our hearts in the cloudless sunshine wearing shorter pants, Scooby-Doo band aids and sticky, greasy sun cream. until we realize that our dog has been throwing up for three weeks. and the vet now shakes her head worriedly, not sure what to tell us.

I know that some day it will eventually happen. that there is an inevitability about such things we can only bear as we best can. that I will squeeze my sons' little bodies with a tender embrace. and that peace and gratitude will prevail. I am still hoping that Finn is going to bounce on her front legs with her butt in the air and feel better soon. but today for the first time in seven years I realize that I'm going to outlive my dog. and this saddens me immensely.

Reader Comments (26)

I am going through this with my cat Sprite right now. Every day is a gift.
Apr 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJen
I am so sorry, Irene. I hope she recovers soon and can bring you many more years of smiles and memories. Hugs!
Apr 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHeather P
Are those of you in France also being hit by the pet food recall over here? Any chance it's that?

Whatever it is, I'm so sorry to hear Finn is sick. I have bawled like a baby every time I've lost one of my creatures, even if that creature was making my life hell when he died (cat - peed on EVERYTHING including my final presentation for Spanish class).

My thoughts are with you all!
Apr 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterElaine
dearest, a big old hug for you...xoxoxoxo
Apr 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterj vorwaller
crossing my fingers for a speedy recovery, or at the very least, a peaceful passing. hugs to you.
May 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkrystyn
I am so sorry about your sweet dog.
May 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpaintergirl

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