
the most perfect gift ever

we didn't have a merry little Christmas this year. yet we savored quieter moments that simultaneously illuminated and deepened our profound affection for our family and lounge pajamas. and highlighted the joys that life can yield. no matter the circumstances. no matter the puke.

"because I really believe you could become a good photographer" my husband said on Christmas Eve while giving me the 1967 Polaroid Land Camera he'd found on Ebay. he also included films and extra batteries, not only satiating my love for instant photography but also giving me permission to suck. and the wonderful opportunity to wander where I like, to have fun and learn more about myself.

and this was truly the most perfect gift ever.

Reader Comments (23)

Your husband sounds like a cool guy--even when he's not doing the dishes.
Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!
Jan 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpatry
What a nice gift! And what a great hubbie! I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year Irene!! Can't wait to see more amazing photos from that new camera.
Jan 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWaya
Poor Sean! Hope he's better now and I'm so sorry you had to have your Christmas with a sick little boy. I'll be thinking about you, Irene!
Jan 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

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