
now officially obsessing over a new kitchen

I hung up the phone and scooped my son up in my arms. he laughed out loud. the sound of pure, undiluted joy, every pore of his body drenching in bliss. you'd think I'd jump. or dance. or cry. but I did not. instead my stomach churned and my head spun as I searched for decent ways to deserve the unspeakable gladness God's granted.

thank you all for your wonderful support. you can now uncross your fingers.

we got the house.

Reader Comments (42)

Congratulations, Irene!!
May 8, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMiz S
YES, YES, YES!! Fabulous news, Irene... Congrats!!
May 12, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermelanie komisarski

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