
I really really want

new pajama pants.

8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

to write in a small café instead of jotting down ideas standing in the kitchen while waiting for the water to boil.

to send my prayers to this family, and this little girl. and light a candle for this man.

the mother, wife and writer to coincide.

to dream big and large.

to have permission to be moody without bearing the responsibility for the emotional well-being of the three other people in my house.

to get into the spirit of Christmas. and put up our tree.

to smile through my exhaustion and enjoy the little things again.

a personal chef.

Reader Comments (22)

I hear you on the personal chef part!
Dec 13, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCharmaine
Irene, I hope you got what you really, really wanted. Your compassion and depth shines through. You have a wonderful way with your words.
Jan 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFrenchtobe

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