-> it all started as a mommy blog in 2005

nothing less than that

the past few weeks have allowed me some time to outline my dream projects list, borrow the courage I needed from the people who believe in me strongly when I forget my own abilities, and let joy sustain and propel me forward on my journey as a writer.

today I am most happy to report that I think I've found something that I love, am excited about, and intend to commit myself to for the next few months.

and I wish you all nothing less than that. 

The Wonder Book Trailer


every day

get up and make the conscious decision to trust and love abundantly. to be the best parent you can be. to work hard towards your goals, treat your body with consideration and respect, and pause every once in a while to sing your favorite song, support a good cause, call a friend and make silly faces.

Daily Routines


it's changing everything

lessons are trickling into the corners of my mind slowly as I'm learning to bend, surrender to the circumstances over which I don't have control, and give in to the idea that my daily routine isn't suitable for my family and only projects the illusion of structure and consistency while making us feel all very uncomfortable.

now I'm content if I'm able to squeeze a 20-minute workout, a homemade meal, a game of Connect Four with my sons and a couple of hours of writing into my day. anything more is extra bonus.

and boy, it's changing everything.

Mom 2.0: Defining a Movement (thank you Katherine Center)



growth transpires when you do not strive to live up to someone else's expectations or achievements. you don't need to be anything more than who you already are. there is no right way to do it. and no one said it had to be so hard. just truly enjoy what you do. right here, right now. 

ATM: Always Trust Magic



I'm so very grateful for your enthusiasm, your kindness, and the unwavering support that you've shown me throughout the year, particularly when I ran a 6K race to raise funds for Feed My Starving Children and traveled to Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with my sons to meet Maggie Doyne of Blink Now Foundation.

we spent the first days of 2010 in our pajamas reveling in the simple goodness of life.

I hope you did too.

Happy New Year!


first snow

watching the first snow falling outside my window, blowing on a warm cup of tea that I'm holding with both hands, thumbing through old journals and pondering over my primary intention for the year to come. and all I can think of is "I hope my boys' little feet are dry".

and this kind of simple consideration, knowing that I've been consistently present in my sons' life to help them get ready for school every morning, spell words correctly, treat scratches and deal with the consequences of their own choices, while nothing grand or overly remarkable has been achieved this past year, fills me with a comfortable dose of contentedness, and joy.

Wrap Up Africa


a little something for you

while enjoying lunch with my best friend from kindergarden, walking my sons to school all bundled up with a favorite scarf and contemplating our Christmas tree last night, I thought I'd make a little something to thank you all for your support this past year.

download your free printable 2010 calendar here (note: when printing out the calendar, configure the page scaling to "none".)


growth spurt

still wrapping my head around the magic that happened in Rotterdam this past weekend, and the lessons that are now inflating my life with gratitude, a renewed sense of self, and awareness of the beauty that is unfolding all around me.

realizing that I have been striving after fulfillment and recognition so that I could feel good about myself, and that my life lately has become an obsessive need to arrive and achieve goals instead of an adventure. and while I am still very much involved in improving the quality of life for children in need around the world, while I am still holding onto my dreams (big and small), I am now learning that to be capable of true selflessness and meaningful commitment, I must enjoy my life the fullest, take good care of myself and the people I love, bring a playful and joyous energy behind everything I do and find contentment in the present moment.

(please check the new Winter 09 issue of Small Magazine out today featuring several of my Polaroid photos. I had a lot of fun collaborating with them, and I'm truly grateful for the experience and the editors' creative and kind encouragement.)


all I have for now

contemplating projects and deadlines piling up again and the imprint of my butt on my chair with exhilaration and a restored sense of confidence, knowing that no matter what, everything will unfold exactly as it should. no matter what, I know what I have to do. no matter what, we are together.


there is

there is gratitude following a rough few weeks that culminated with that moment on my knees when tears of frustration poured down and I threw my hands in the air asking, "is this a joke?"

there is a lesson in cultivating a spirit of self-love while currently working on a most wonderful project, occasionally waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat of panic and calling friends to stress that "I'm freaking out!" in what I believe has become my signature shrieking voice.

there is joy (and magic) in acknowledging the things that are important to you and clearing space around them, whether you're recycling old furniture, trying to make a difference in someone else's life or planning a date night with your loved one.

Maasai marathon (via Kathya)